What Should You Do If You Receive IRS Letters Following Tax Day?

Tax Day will come and go, but some taxpayers will still get correspondence from the IRS–which can be terrifying, to say the least. If you receive an IRS letter, contact income tax return filing in Cape Coral to know if it is legit. Do they even send letters? Or is someone faking them to get your personal info? Let us look at some common mail posts and how to deal with them. 

  • Do not ignore the emails, even if you do not think it is legit.

We all are aware that ignoring a problem does not vanish it away. When it is about tax problems, ignoring them can worsen the problem. Opening the main from the IRS can feel like doomsday, but sometimes it is just informational–you do not have to do anything.

Here is why the IRS has sent you a letter

  • You have a balance due
  • Delays in processing your return
  • The identity requires verification
  • The IRS requires additional information
  • You are due a small or large refund.
  • IRS changed the order

Receiving a letter from IRS does not automatically mean you are getting audited. Everything will have details about the reason and what you can do about it.

A taxpayer advocate service is a great way to help Americans understand their requirements and rights in the tax place. If you are unsure of the letter that declares to be from IRS, you can utilize the taxpayer roadmap to look for the letter code or notice code. From there, you can see why you got the letter. 

  • Checking for fraud and protecting yourself from identity theft.

How will you determine if the letter is actually from IRS?

First of all, IRS letters have a notice or letter number, if there is not any, by wary. IRS also does not:

  • Ask for any card details over the phone.
  • Threaten to inform immigrant officers, local police, or other law enforcement agents to arrest you for not paying.
  • Demand to use specific payment options like prepaid debit cards, wire transfers, or gift cards.
  • Revoke an immigration or license status.
  • Ask for immediate tax payment without allowing you to ask a question or appeal what you owe.

Mentioned above are the common tactics fraud people use to trick their victims into acquiring personal information or spending money.